AbOuT mE pAgE
My HoMePaGe

AbOuT pAgE

PhOtO pAgE 1

CoNtAcT pAgE

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PhOtO pAgE 2

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Guest Book Page


Im 14 i go sir freds im still a lil skl gal lol im in year 10 i ave loads of brill m8s Im sexy free and single and out for bit of fun. Im well kinky i like de sound of pole dancin lol
im quite confident ... at times ;) 
i like goin out on a fride n saturday nite n gettin wasted wit me m8s
and havin a laugh!!!

I love de summer its gr8 all de sexy boys wit der tops off. All de girlies gettin a tan.

Im into drum n bass n dat n i like chillin wit me m8s!
love listenin 2 music n goin out i lvoe goin on de bak of crossers n dat fings dat r really fast lol
love dancin n sexy bois

BoUt Me M8s

ClAiRe - WelL i LoVe Er 2 PiEcEs ShE A NuTtEr AnD DoNt CaRe WhAt Ne1 FiNkS lOl ShEs Gr8 AnD iS aLwAyS dEr FoR mE sHe GoT A gR8 b/F dEy BeEn 2GeThEr FoR tImE (hope everyfing goes well for ya 2) ClAiRe Is A bIt Of A PiSs HeAd LoL NUTTER!!! love ya 2 de max and our lil excerizes wit ur dance video lol XxXx

Jo - I dNt ReAlLe No WaT 2 sAy BoUt Er LoL wE lIkE gOiN oN our LiL cRaWlS sHe SuCh A nUtTeR aNd BiT oF aN aLkI LOL i Am BiT oF a BaD iNfLuEnCe On Er (A) :P AnD ShEs In LoVeEeE wIt ScOtT (he he he) --(hope everyfing goes well 2) love ya 2 de max XxXxX

LaUrA - wElL sHe MaKeS mE lAuGh WiT OuT eVeN dOiN nEfIn AnD sHe SuCh A lIgHt WeIgHt AnD ShAtS lOaDzA sHiT wEn ShE masHeD :p ShE HaSnT GoT a MaN At De MoMeNt ( waiting for mr right :P) ShE a NuTtEr AlWaYs In A gOoD mOoD aNd HaS nOw FoUnD a NeW rElAtIvE lol love ya 2 de max  xXxXx

HaNnAh.R and EmIlY cOwAn -- DnT nO eM 2 wElL bUt DeR gR8 LOL aNd LiGhT wEiGhTs DeR fUnNy As !!! love ya XxXxX




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